This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. Beating each room will award you 3 BP, so put your best …Thunder Wave. BP, or Battle Points, can easily be earned by defeating trainers in the battle tower. Thunder Wave: TM74 Gyro Ball: TM75 Swords Dance: TM76 Stealth Rock: TM77 Psych Up: TM78 Snarl: TM79 Dark Pulse: TM80 Rock Slide: …Here you will be able to buy the Thunder Wave TM for 32 BP. Learn Roost's location, what Pokemon can learn it, as well as its Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect.
Contents 1 Effect 1.1 In battle 1.1.1 Generation V 1.1.2 Generation VI 1.1.3 Generation VII onward 1.1.4 Affected moves 1.2 Outside of battle 2 Pokémon with Prankster 3 In other games 3.1 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series 3.2 Description 4 In the animeRoost (TM51) is a Flying-type Move in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Prankster (Japanese: いたずらごころ Teasing Heart) is an Ability introduced in Generation V. Mew can use this to slow down an opponent, then use U-Turn to let. It doesn't do damage, but it does paralyze the opposing Pokemon. Thunder Wave Thunder Wave can be taught to Mew via TM73.When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details …Where to Find TM73 Thunder Wave - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Techno Trainer 21.5K subscribers Subscribe 86 Dislike Share Save 13,629 views This video shows where. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Hypnosis Effect and Pokemon That Learn It | Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)」 with us!. Sinnoh Dex.We at Game8 thank you for your support.
Learn about how to get Weavile with detailed locations, its full learnset with all learnable moves, evolution data and how to evolve, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more.

Weavile is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses that Pokémon's catch rate in a formula to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon. For the concept of catching a Pokémon, see Caught Pokémon.Įach species of Pokémon has a catch rate that applies to all its members.